A Public Plea: Insights of the Defense into the Antifa East Trial
As far as publicity in the Antifa Ost trial is concerned, the last day of the trial once again set standards: first, officers checked a visitor in front of the courthouse because she looked similar to a person who was wanted in the proceedings with an arrest warrant. This „logical possibility“ – a favorite phrase of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office – has to be looked at closely: the cops assume that people who are wanted by arrest warrant in the same proceedings show up in court, show their identity cards and walk into the building. On top of that, there were numerous lectures from the presiding judge and the threat of punishment if there was any movement from the audience at the end of the trial. The master of selective listening and interrupting, Schlüter-Staats recommends the audience to shut up and listen, while comrades and friends are to be put in jail for years. In this sense, we invite all interested to listen closely, discuss and disagree, both on the day of the verdict and the day after!
A public plea: insights into the Antifa Ost trial.
Thursday, June 1, 6 p.m.
Location to follow
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